
About Me

Daniel Ryan, MCMA

Hello and thank you so much for visiting! My name is Daniel Ryan and I am a Holistic Health and Pain Management Practitioner. I came to use the methods of healing that I offer now through my own personal healing journey. In my early 20's I was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which caused my joints to dislocate easily and cause chronic pain. As a result this triggered another condition called Fibromyalgia which ultimately left me having to use a wheelchair and crutches to function. For many years I quietly battled with mental health issues until it all finally became too much. Something had to give. I was on so many pain killers and trying to find anything to take away my pain, to the point that I became angry and bitter with the world and the people who meant the most to me. I had two options and only one of them had a positive outcome.

I knew that this wasn't my path and that there was more to my life. I had so much more to give and so, I asked for help. It was the hardest, scariest thing I had ever done, but I knew I couldn't do this on my own! I found a wonderful therapist and began with the basics and learning how to reconnect with my body, checking in with how I truly felt. The biggest lesson I learned was how to be kind to myself. I learned how to meditate, how to live with compassion and openness. This set me on the path of learning about EFT, Reiki and how our body holds onto trauma. I realised how much of my pain as an adult had been brought through from childhood and I learned how to let that go and live with presence and gratitude.

Which brings me to this point in time now, I still have to use my chair and crutches, but they don't define who I am anymore. Considering how many painkillers I was taking I now don't even need to take a paracetamol for a headache. It comes down to reconnecting and treating the root cause. With the skills I have learned to turn my life around and find my true purpose in life I hope that I can do the same for you. When we heal ourselves, we help heal the world.

Much love to you all x

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